„Before there were words there was music. Before there was language there were songs. Like whales in a deep ocean, we humans once connected through music.“

🎶 MUSIC was my first love

When I think about my creative journey, the first thing that came into my life where the songs my mother sang to me. It must have been the time before I learned to speak, because I don’t really remember how she woke me up as a toddler in the morning while singing to me, but there is a part in me that very well remembers a certain melody and song line and as a grown-up this song is on some days the first thing in the morning that comes to my mind like she would still sing it to me.

I was about five when my mom realized that I was super interested in playing the keyboard at my childcare place. My piano lessons at home on a very old, needed baby grand piano started in primary school. I could easily replay anything I heard once on the radio and soon started to compose my own songs. When I became a teenager, I went through a tough time and left anything I associated with my childhood behind. Also, my beloved piano.
Since then, I haven’t played any instrument besides African drums. But I really cherish that I was able to form a bond with music in my childhood.

When you think about great films or remarkable videos, what is the very first thing that comes to your mind?

Usually it’s the soundtrack. As a director and video producer I never had to “learn” how to pick the right music. I just feel into our film material and immediately recognize which instruments I want to hear, which tempo I must choose, which emotions I want to feel and how these emotions are to be found in different tone genders and music genres. Choosing the right music for a film or video is a complex decision, and I am grateful for my childhood piano lessons which enabled me to be today an expert in the field of choosing the right piece of film music.

First there was music in my life. Then there was PAINTING. And as you will read in the next post of this series, I was just a little pirate, when I was introduced to this art form.

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