I don’t remember the day I fell in love with language, but until now I never fell out of this love again. Maybe it was when I learned how to connect with other beings by expressing my feelings through words. I grew such a hunger after words that I taught myself to read at an astonishing speed. In the years to follow I had read through all my books and all books of my elder siblings, all the children’s books of our small-town library, my parent’s books and a proper section of our school library. My world grew bigger and bigger with each word.
Soon after I started to write my own stories. So, when I founded my agency fifteen years ago, it was easy to rely on my obvious strength and start as a copywriter. It worked right away. Since then, I have conducted hundreds of hundreds of interviews, written articles, blogs, newsletters, I have written for websites, all kind of marketing content and I always kept writing short stories and poetry just for the mere joy of it.
The same joy I found in coaching other people how to write and to enhance their writing skills as an entrepreneur or author. After some years I thought how marvelous it would be to combine my writing skills with FILMING. And soon a new chapter in my life started from the scratch.